Another sunday with just Monchi and the books.
However it's 12:48 am
and i still really haven't studied much.
sometimes i think i should quit school
but yeahhh right.
what else would i do with my life?
so this weekend i must admit i've been pretty productive.
i cleaned my room (swept and mopped)
i even changed the bed sheets
i bathed monchi and i washed my car
it's been i dunno how long since i've done that
however, i didn't do the tires and they are super gross.
I've eaten so much crap today =/
i need to loose some weight i was looking at pictures from last summer
and i was a lot slimmer =/
This was last july.. I'm wearing the same exact shorts
today and i couldn't even tie them up!
babe says it's cause of too much sex
and my hips got wide.
he's just trying to be nice.
BUT man im getting soo lazy
it looks like the only way i loose weight
is if i get anther tonsillectomy
and let's face it..
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