While waiting for ms. princess to do our meeting. Today I found out a lot of the things about the doctor that I didn't know. For starters he thinks I'm really sensitive. I mean why would a boss ever tell his employee that? It's so unprofessional!!! I can take his dirty jokes, and him rolling his eyes at me when I didn't give him the right instrument, and his stinky breath. But he said so many disgusting things today. I left thursday from work thinking that he was reasoning with me. And today we had the meeting and all he could say was that I was the office mouse, and that I shouldn't have cried. He would have understood if he touched me the wrong way or I was being assaulted or something. But the way I "approached" him, was very unprofessional. Last time I checked, I wasn't the one having temper tantrums and screaming so the whole office would know I'm upset. I just went up to him and told him how I was very upset at my coworker and her behavior towards me. YES I'll admit that I did cry. And I know crying to your boss is weird, but it's not something that I could control. I was hurt and when I was talking about it the tears just came out. Trust me that if I could hold my tears, no one would ever see them. I hate how crying makes people uncomfortable. seriously! another thing about my stupid boss.... He is always telling me that in order to succeed I have to give people a piece of my mind. I finally gave it to him and he fucking called me sensitive! SO WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!?!? I'm really starting to HATE my job.
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