I found a new way to turn your frown upside down..
"They thought I wanted a stripper with a huge CLOCK"
omg you have no idea how hard I cracked up with this little birthday card.
I always had a thing for cards, but I didn't know that if I read them
while I wasn't feeling ok, it would bring my mood up.
And to be perfectly honest, I didn't get this card right away.
Laugh all you want and call me slow, but I wasn't in the right level.
But yeah, so today I went to Target with Jessica and Janette.
We were looking for bridal shower invitations for her mother.
that's how I happen to run by this.
Any who Janette spoke words of wisdom today that
helped me see through these blinded eyes of mine.
With the first heart break of mine
I suffer tremendously and almost went crazy
but I got over it and became this Independent woman
I began to fall in love with.
This woman brought herself so many goals to accomplish,
that at the time is slowly working up to them
one goal at a time
building a higher step than the last one built
slowly getting to her top dreams
and during this construction
she encounter someone in the past
who knew the person she was before she fell in love with herself
This person also knew the new woman inside of her.
However he couldn't be able to work with her.
Almost as if they are not compatible anymore
She started seeing this old person that once lived inside her.
And she didn't want this person back in
It was a difficult decision making because
she also fell in love with the new boy
but she's so much more in love with Independent self,
she wants someone who loves that person she became.
Not bring out the old one. And since I've realized this
I am not going to put myself in a situation where the old me can get revealed
that person is already a stranger to me.
I want to keep building this new person I am loving.
And sooner or later, find the half that loves this new me.
And I know it can happen because it happened before
and now I am more knowledgeable.
No mistakes, Just lessons learned.
-Thanks Janette
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