There's just too many pictures for this particular day. Today is Monchi's Birthday. I decided to throw him a pool party and invite his buddies. I got 3 kitty pools, water balloons, food, treats, toys, etc. We had too much fun. Everyone ended up inside the pools because the boys were just throwing everyone. Of course I have to swallow that nasty water. I start coughing and almost gaged. YUCK! I just have to post more pictures because I cannot just pin point the best one. So the first one was of all the people that were there at the time. (Pegasus, Blacky, Candy, Domino, Killer missing) I actually wanted a picture with all the dogs inside but I knew that was not going to happen. Some doggies jumped right out as soon as they were put inside the pool. It was hilarious. The next picture is of the one and only love of my life. I still can't believe he's a BIG boy already.

We (Amy, Vero, and I) went to Walmart last night and had an adventure. Of course the tie was spotted and was bought and worn today. He really did look like the Birthday Boy. He was just adorable. You can tell he had a lot of fun.... which leads me to the next picture:

The party also brought many hormones. So seriously a lot of that was going on throughout the day. Killer got his lipstick showing and couldn't seem to put it away. I took a picture of that but I rather not show since I wanna post other cute pictures.
The next picture is of the girls getting
thrown in the pool.
I was pushed in too as mentioned earlier
I swallowed a whole bunch of water.
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
The babes, and I <3
And last but not least, I'm posting the picture that made me crack up hysterically. There's too much meaning in this one i love it a lot.
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