Wednesday, September 30, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-Seven

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-Six
-Who Knew
and the list goes on...
I freaking love her.
Today was clinic day and I haven't seen a patient in a while.
Or at least it felt that way.
Last week on Tuesday I was clinic monitor
and on Thursday it was OSCE.
My thumb is hurting...
It's been hurting for a while.
I have no idea.
But what I do know is that it was the worst day for it to hurt.
I scaled my father,
which he was classified as moderate but
my hands want to shout in agony
and say he's heavy.
It was terrible
and then to top it off.
I saw my special needs this afternoon.
This patient is special needs because they suffer from
Muscular Dystrophy
This patient cannot take care of their own teeth
and is wheelchair bound.
The whole cleaning was done standing up.
I am not lefty but today the only time I could have taken advantage of the chair
was during the left side of the patient.
It was an experience I will never forget.
Tears came out because I was sooo frustrated.
The patient was discontent because the procedure could not be completed today.
So I rescheduled them not next week but the following.
Give my back some rest
and my thumb has to stop aching because it's making me
work differently.
I think it's because of too much texting.
I must reduce.
It hurts a lot.
I have to mention that my new professor helped a lot.
I underestimated her because of what people say about her...
but she helped out a lot
and the BEST part was
she congratulated me!
She said I did a good job.
You don't hear that too much in our program.
You always here a lot of negative but seldom do you hear you did a good job.
So I also want to thank her
for making my day a little smoother.
She also hugged me...
I think I needed that too.
I can't remember when I received a hug.
I've just been a green monster lately.
I miss hugs
and kisses
and just doing nothing but talking
well and sometimes more than talking
Now I know the reason for my green!!!
I'm overdue for some..........
Tomorrow is a new day,
closer to Orlando.
I have to do so much tomorrow.
Monday, September 28, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-Five
no she is not selling
I repeat she is just supporting me.
We I mean I sold cookies today.
I sold a total of seventy something dollars.
More money for the Orlando trip.
We've been doing so good @ fundraising
I have to give myself a pat on the back.
::patting back::
So I woke up today and I remembered my dream.
Its kinda freaky.
I dreamt that I lost two of my teeth.
But they weren't permanent,
they were my deciduous teeth.
Letters K and L
for those of you that fall short on this term its my
last two teeth in the bottom left.
Anyways, they fell out as I thrust my tongue around them.
And when I picked them out, I checked them and they were full of amalgams.
It was a weird dream.
And supposedly I grew up with a superstition that when you dream about fallen teeth,
that means that someone in the family is going to pass on.
::crossing fingers hoping that's not true::
I saw Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.
Super cute, I cried!
But I always freaking cry so whatever.
Today was not such a good day.
Then again... it was a Monday.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-Four
Saturday, September 26, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-Three
Friday, September 25, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-Two
I just got home and read the letter that notified me I won the scholarship I applied for a couple months back. I will be receiving the award/check next week Friday when I arrive at Orlando. I am so excited about this... Next week is going to be full of mixed emotions. I will be presenting my table clinic (which I haven't practice for). I will be receiving this check of $500. I will be going to Disney's theme parks, including Epcot which I've never been to. The people that I will be going with are the closest friends I've had in hygiene except for Jessica because her mom happens to get married the same weekend. It kind of sucks that I am not going to be a part of the wedding but she knows I would if I could. I'm really glad my mood is changing. I've had a sucky week. Thinking about a certain somebody that I know doesn't think of me anymore. I don't understand why on Earth I am getting the depressed symptoms now that it's been more than a month. I mean I've been pretty strong about it so why change now? I hope it was just a phase... maybe because I could be getting my monthly friend. Speaking of which, I haven't gotten her in a while and I missed my gyno appointment today. I'm telling you, I've been on a row this week. I'm just glad it's over and done with and now it's the weekend so I get to soak up and relax before the next one comes.
So I went to Olive Gardens with Leslie and Jessica today and I am still super duper stuffed from all the bread/salad/pasta!!! Oh the many carbs I devoured. Not to mention the margarita as well. Well the napkin in my chin was because every time I grabbed a spoonful of pasta, it never failed to drip on my chin lol. We couldn't stop cracking up. At least we worked out our abs from too much laughter. Any who I got back to Jessica's and started feeling stupid and blah....
"Well my diamond mean............
Ok I like diamonds and like I said it takes a diamond to cut another diamond meaning it needs something as strong as its self to bring it down to size I and I feel that I need someone just as strong as me to cut me down so am basically looking for another diamond
Make sanse?
So to his definition, was I never his diamond?
Was I never as strong as him in order to share our lives together?
Is there a better diamond for his lifestyle?
Will there ever be one for me?
I don't want a new one...
I just want to finish cutting this one.
I was almost done and about to wear it as a shiny diamond ring on the finger next to the pinky that runs a vein directly to my heart.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
One Hundred Eighty-One

"When we are dying or has suffered a catastrophic lost, we all move through five distinct stages of grief. We go into denial, because the lost is so unthinkable, we can’t imagine its truth. We become angry with everyone, angry with survivors, angry with ourselves. Then we bargain. We beg, we plead, we offer everything we have, we offer up our souls; in exchange for one more day. When the bargaining has failed, and the anger is too hard to maintain, we fall into depression, despair. Until finally, we have to accept that we have done everything we can. We let go. We let go and move into acceptance."
My drug for the next 15 weeks.
my stomach just knotted nasty.
I hate this feeling.
BUT if you look for it,
you better believe you will find it.
It just sucks
I have no idea what the heck happened.
BOYS are just GROSS
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
One Hundred Eighty

Put on my pjs and hop into bed
I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead
I try and tell myself it'll be all right
I just shouldn't think anymore tonight 'cause
Dreams last for so long
Even after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon I know you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Nine
Duplicating films is much more difficult than you think.
After two tries, the third one finally came out with copies of the original films. They should have focused more on that during radiology lab.
Today I was clinic monitor a.k.a clinic bitch
-check in all patients
-decontaminate phones/door handles/counter tops
-take inventory
-restock items that are low
-take back all borrowed supplies
-lock all doors/cabinets/drawers
Today was also clinic rotation which meant new professors and I didn't get the first feel of her.
Which according to my clinic it was a good thing because yeaaah NO COMMENT!
Monday, September 21, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Eight

I can't waste another minute after all that I've put in it"
And here is the list of the new soundtrack for
The Twilight Saga:
New Moon
Super excited that The Killers are part of the soundtrack.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Seven

Saturday, September 19, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Six
Friday, September 18, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Five
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Three

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-Two

Monday, September 14, 2009
One Hundred Seventy-One

I aint saying I'm requesting anyone thats perfect
but I just need a man that will make it all worth it.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
One Hundred Seventy

Saturday, September 12, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Nine

Friday, September 11, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Eight
Today we went to the vet for the second time.
This time it was to get a better understanding of what my mom tried to translate.
While we were waiting on the vet,
he screamed again. Later to find out he was screaming
because he had to poop.
We caught it on time but he still left a mark on my shorts.
We got the x-rays and the explanation.
The vet said he really doesn't know what the problem is
he recommend hospitalization, but after we take him to a specialist.
The specialist has to take a CT scan or MRI
but when we called to get the estimate of the whole shin-ding,
the O.V is $140 and the MRI ranges between $1-2,000.
Kenny recommended to go to an alternative medicine Vet
and get acupuncture so I think that's what we will be doing.
For now we just hope and pray he gets better.
The vet marinated the words "too young to be put to sleep" while the consultation
and I couldn't help myself but break into tears.
He's my best friend, the one who has helped me get over this rough little patch.
If it weren't for him, who knows if I were to get crazy again.
(oh God no)
Any who I really hope time will heal him.
I can't see him struggling anymore.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Seven
I wish I could retrieve the shot taken originally.
You know I miss you.
And you definitely know who you are.
I'll be coming to see you soon.
Monchi is really sick
he went to the vet today.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Six
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Five
can you see the bird?
you can't see it in the picture but the sun rays were making an "s"
today was a very productive day!
Monday, September 7, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Four
Sunday, September 6, 2009
One Hundred Sixty-Three