Sunday, February 28, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirty-Six

I remember back in the days, 
If I told my mother I was going out...
I had to be out of the house by nine
it would be too late and I can't leave anymore.
I leave past midnight!
Adventures will always be better.
For a couple of nights, 
Boob-e and I get ready 
and we never make it to the place
due to whatever reason.
This time the reason was me!
Vodka is an enemy!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirty-Five

It's one of nature's way that we often feel closer to distant generations 
than to the generation immediately preceding us.  
~Igor Stravinsky
I love my mother, but my grandma is the isssshhhh!
I had just taken out her dentures.
She was caught laughing without them!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirty-Four

There are some days that no matter how many angles 
or how much lighting you edit,
you are not satisfied with the photos you take. 

Today I went to a Hip Hop Art show
and I felt like this all throughout the night.
Here are some of the photos that made the cut just because
Live paintings the middle shot is a kid artist ;)

 [ bráyk dànssing ]

that indeed is a B·baby

The event ended with a fashion show
which was pretty neat.

Of course the night didn't end there.
He swears he's a champ.

The night actually ended with a flat tire somewhere in Miramar. 
Loosening lugs is very fun!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirty-Three

Yea today was one of those days,
my creativity was hitting below the belt.
To my fellow neighbors
I want you to know that Olympia Heights
is where we reside.
I know Laura will get a crack out of this one. 
Today Boob-e and I realized
that we are the ones responsible
for discovering text talk.
 I should sit here and explain why,
but I rather show you instead!
Ladies and gents:

7.4 I  8.2  I  7.4  I  4.3  I  3.2  I  6.3  I   4.3  I  6.2  I   5.2  I  7.4  

if y'all don't get it...
ask me
goodnight !

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirty-One

My very own creation
of a
V a m p i r e T o o t h
P i l l o w
that's right i learned to stitch today.
One of the ladies at the daycare taught me.
I can't believe its day 5 of our community project
 Next week is our last one.
Super bummed! 
I love those old peeps!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirty

Why can't we be friends?
G a G a
was hungry
M o n c h i
was not having that !
Welcome to the jungle 

Monday, February 22, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Nine

Before you automatically go ahead and assume I gave up on lent...
 Because then you'll make an ass out of u and me!
I had to deliver some KFC to a friend when something triggered the noggin!
since when does the menu exploit the calorie count of every meal?
They are going to start losing customers 
when people start realizing that a 3 Original Recipe Strips Meal
is just the amount of calories you should intake in one day!
I'm surprised they didn't put the calories for the sauce!
I'm dying to know how many honey mustard has!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Eight

Listen up people!
My friend gave me a holler a couple of  days ago.
She mentioned pit bulls are being banned in the county she resides on.
They are getting to the chaotic point of shooting these creatures dead.
I don't own any pit bulls and I don't reside in the county she lives at,
I can't stress to mention how upset I am because of this.
Seriously, this is cruel and inhumane!
It has been said that chihuahuas can be as aggressive as the pit bull breed. 
The attitude of the dog is determined by the owner.
I own two chihuahuas
 and contrary to ordinary belief,
they are both the sweetest things you will ever meet.
There shouldn't be a law determining what kind of breed you are allowed to own.
I feel that if you want to make such a ridiculous law 
there should also be one to ban these teenagers making babies
and all these ladies that just keep popping kids out left and right.
I know people get annoyed when I relate dogs with children,
But for those who don't have kids, and have dogs,
really have kids as well.
So if I've done any kind of convincing 
I urge you to search for petitions and sign 
They don't have a voice 
We should speak up for them!
I also would like to mention that because of the dog in the picture above,
a man was saved. 
Rocko barked for help until help arrived.
So pleaseeee,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven

Second day of the Review Board.
You know what really sucks?
How this weekend has had such beautiful days, 
yet I'm stuck inside these four very cold walls.
I must add this review is definitely worth my money.
I never could have thought about this study guide all on my own.

For those of you who go to school,
Happy studying ;)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Six

I've come to the conclusion that without Gaby
This house is extra boring.
Review board this whole entire weekend!
I did a self assessment
and I diagnosed myself with cabin fever
Lellanis is really driving me  N U T S !
I want to break-freeee!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Five

with an  O i N K o I n k  here
and an oInkOiNK  there
here an OiNK
there an oInk
everywhere an  O i N K o I n k 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Four

P E A C E 
be with you.

Besides giving up fast-foods
I will be sacrificing my Sundays 
to join these two people and attend mass.

Finally found him a ducky daddy
we named him Ronnie
he got a bubble bath today

Never take a date to the gas station to fill up.
If you have to
 Aleast remember what side the tank is on.
Remember to actually open the tank.

Luckily this wasn't a date 
or else...
a w k w a r d !

Fun Fact:
Lil Wayne got his jail sentence postponed 
because of his TeeTH.
I would love to be his hygienist someday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Three

M a R D i   G R a S

So what are you giving up for lent?
I won't be eating any fast-food
for 40 days.
Mardi gras is french for fat tuesday 

check out my make-up
I went all out for 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-Two

Yeya doesn't get played that often.
But I make sure that when she does,
I get a huge  p i n k  audience
with the exception of the black furry monsters
that like to destroy the audience
lick Yeya's strings

I want to say no dogs or piggies 
were harmed in the making of this shoot
I'll be lying.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty-One

Happy Valentine's Day
Like many other fun-filled days.. I have a lot of pictures to post!
and yesss all from the new camera ;)
Jorge invited Boob-e, Jenny, and I 
for brunch @ Key Largo.
Seriously, simplicity is the key to my heart.

A couple of Oysters 
Lobster bisque 
Chicken Fingers and fries

The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds 
Strewn across a blue blanket. 
lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy.

I want to wish you were here but the truth is
I love this me I've become after you.
I take my chances and because of that
I found a different shade of happiness.
The secret to one's happiness is finding it within yourself.
Relaying on someone to make you happy takes time.
Besides the time waiting, you also run the risk of loosing it
If a change of heart were ever to occur.
Find your happiness and help others conquer the same.


Later on @ night:
My valentine was gonna cancel our night plans
therefore she added another gift..
chocolates that sing country ;)

TODAY my Boob-E gave me:
-socks (valentine theme)
-chap stick ;)
-some seeds to grow 'Burning Love'
-Wisps :D

Can I ask for more?

I'm so glad I don't work at the movie theaters any more.
We were supposed to go see a movie...
BUT yeah right!
I felt  c l a u s t r  o p h o b i c  just waiting in line to buy a ticket.
Blockbuster was just the same but the line was more spacious.
And lets not forget to mention the 10 year old who completely cut us in line!

and of course I did a late night project with the new cam.
Being that its Valentine's day
I was inspired to be heartsy ;)

Happy Valentine's Day y'all ;)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Three Hundred and Twenty

I did my share of retail therapy.
Bought some cute clothes
Added another piggy to my collection.
I believe this has got to be my favoritEST of all.
I also made another investment...
this is also for all you people who enjoy my posts.
I bought myself a new camera.
I've been borrowing other people's for months ever since mine died!
Finally decided to see if there was a way of saving my canon.
Got the sad results back but didn't hesitate to check out the new samsung I've been eyeing.
The sales rep told me about all the convenient gadgets.
Made a double take and left with it.
I'm in love!
The very first picture taken is above with the piggy ;)

And this is  G a G a
showing her poker face.

Happy blogging.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Three Hundred and Nineteen

No he can't read my poker face.
She's got to love nobody.
-Lady Gaga

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Three Hundred and Eighteen

Little Miss  G b y C a k e s
So sweet she can cause a toothache
The thousands of hearts she will break 
Just for a smile the  b o y s  will try and take.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Three Hundred and Seventeen

F a m i l y

Nope you can't choose them,
and yes sometimes you wish you can replace them.
But at the end of the day,
they are the ones God chose for you.
Without them, 
life wouldn't ever be the same.
I love my dysfunctional family.
I wish they were all here for this photo
but I'm grateful for those who showed.
Today was my grandma's eighty-third birthday.
Exactly one week and three days ago,
she was moved to an
Assisted Living Facility.
She could only stay with us until 7pm.
 Everyone rushed to come over
in work uniform and working out clothes,
everyone came to share their love.
I couldn't ask for more.

Happy Birthday Abuela
I truly miss her but I know everything happens for a reason.
I really wish I can be a bit stronger about this situation.
My emotions have been running haywire lately.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Three Hundred and Sixteen


- 350    meters of sprinting
- 2 5     butterfly sit-ups
- 150    jump rope
- 2 5     butterfly sit-ups
- 150    jump rope
- 2 5     butterfly sit-ups
- 150    jump rope
- 2 5     push-ups
- 150    jump rope
- 2 5     butterfly sit-ups
- 2 5     push-up

Thanks to Miss Eve my muscles will scream at me tomorrow.
They better not complain... Tomorrow another session.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Three Hundred and Fiveteen

Never mind the scruffy kicks
But take a look at the very cute  m o n s  t e r  inside.
This reminds me of a photo I have of the  m u n c h k i n
when he was just a pup.
If Sonnie wouldn't have crashed....
maybe I could retrieve it
BUT... because of the crash,
I'm here sitting typing a brand NEW resume.
SHOOT ME please!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Three Hundred and Fourteen

Super Bowl 44
Too bad I had to leave early because
I got tired and sleepy.
Seriously, I do not know what it is thats bugging me
but throughout this week, all I've been craving is sleep.
I said NO to:
all american rejects / celebrity football
taylor launter / crazy pianos / beach
My mood has definitely got to change because next weekend I have BIG plans!
I just got the call that Saints won.
From coast to coast,
Those C O L T S will forever be the most!
Right about now, Kim Kardashian is a very happy chick ;)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Three Hundred and Thirteen

An afternoon well spent
The weather is beautiful.
Breezy yet sunny.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Three Hundred and Twelve

The Dental Hygiene Program
is selling
"Fresh Kiss Kit"

Everything you need for that perfect kiss on 
V a l e n t i n e ' s  D a y !

-mouth rinse
-tooth brush
-tooth paste

Buy it before we run out


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Three Hundred and Eleven

Its days like this in which 
I thank God Chocolate was invented.

It may seem to you that I am in a place
Where I'm losing the direction of my life
But I'm sure that this is nothing but a phase
Right back at ya 
cos I'll survive.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Three Hundred and Ten

I must apologize.
These past couple of days I haven't been much in the creative zone.
Something is keeping me from letting my ideas run wild.
I got this little monster who wakes up every 3 hours of the night
because she wants some milk.
Then because of the little monster, 
the mister wakes up and then wants some loving too.
He forgets he's potty trained and gets territorial inside my room.
Gaga just discovered how to climb out of 
the hamper I'm keeping her in.
Calling her a monster is not nearly as close to what she really is.
Then people wonder why I don't want any kids.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Three Hundred and Nine

This little monster still needs to be fed from the bottle.
And there seems to be some jealousy issues with the mister.
He does not know that he will forever be my knight in shiny armor.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Three Hundred and Eight

World meet the new addition to the family
I named her:
G a G a